I am a WAHM of two boys. The only kind of shopping that I enjoy is grocery shopping. One reason is that I love to cook things from scratch...especially if they're not difficult to make. The other reason is that I really want to know what my family is eating. I'm the person in the grocery store reading the food labels to make sure I know what the ingredients are. We have high cholesterol in the family and I want to know that we're doing our best to keep ourselves and our kids as healthy as possible.
I would not describe myself as an "extreme couponer", but I do save a pretty penny on my groceries. I went to my grocery store yesterday and saved 62% off of the retail prices on my bill. Not my personal best, but not too shabby either. With a 7 year old & a 7 month old I am really looking to save money where I can, but still feed my family well. The baby items can really add up quick & it's not like we can do without them. As Ben gets older he can have more of "our" food and the costs won't be so bad. He's still learning to eat and hasn't quite gotten the concept of chewing yet. I also use a combination of disposable & cloth diapers. Jake is such a good eater, although sometimes it's difficult to get him to try new things. But his favorite veggie is broccoli and his favorite dish is salmon with edamame beans on the side.
I look forward to sharing what I know about couponing with you.
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